Tag Archives: falling down

Love and Creation

Love is the only explanation for our spiritual experiences, for the emotions that surrounds our soul, for the attraction to beauty and for countless sacrifices in the name of  ideality.  Love is a secret potion with a strange composition, but extremely efficient. This balm twists and turns our mind, raises our wings so that we could fly high, it makes our heart beat faster and faster, and we, the victims of a true love, get carried by the waves of pleasure. Creation is the child of  love, because love creates the most pure and divine feelings and experiences. Love inspires and motivates us to reach the new heights,  to create ourselves as personalities and get perfection in everything we do. Love is an urge to create the human being as a symbol of eternity. The most famous creators loved and sacrificed their love and life entirely, just to bring the world a work of art that will remain forever in the hearts of humankind. From these masterpieces are falling down tears of toil and pain, but their beauty is too great to notice these insignificant drops, because love and creation enlightens our body and soul.  All that remains to do is to admire the things we do from the heart and strive to find the reason of  life. We ought to love and fight for what makes us truly happy.

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Regrets and mistakes

I did it and now i regret
I’m looking back and don’t understand.

   How could I fail?

   How could I go wrong?

   No way to walk back

   My last chance is gone.

The shadow of darkness in passing me by,

I’m trying to run

I’m flying so high.

But no matter how

My speed it is now,

I’m trying to run ,

But I’m just falling down.


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